Saturday, September 01, 2012

Building Organizations to Transform the World

Jesus told working class people that he would teach them how to build an organization that would transform the world.

He began with confident teaching in the places ordinary people met, a teaching that did what it said.  His teaching drove out the death dealing ideas that were destroying peoples lives.  He helped these working class people to think about themselves like he thought about himself.

He visited house to house bringing hope, healing and wholeness into peoples lives right where they lived.

He also traveled place to place teaching and preaching the Kingdom-Queendom of God which is the power of love to build human dignity, community and justice for all.

He cleaned people up, forgiving their sins, and giving them the confidence and the self accepting peace they needed to develop the full power of their fully human lives.

He focused on inviting the self acknowledged sin-sick, not the self proclaiming spiritually fit.

He celebrated life and called others to celebrate their life.

He challenged the spiritually sick, abusive, controlling, self serving religion and its leaders of his day and ours.

And he was willing to suffer any and all things build  and keep this community vital in the power of love, even death on a cross.

RLH  9/1/12


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